SSCI-Endeksli Akademik Makaleler
Köymen Özer, Seda & Sayek, Selin. (2017). The Characteristics of Domestic Firms: Materializing Productivity Spillovers from FDI. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. 53: 11, Sayfalar: 2562-2584.
Doganay, Seda & Sayek, Selin & Taskin, Fatma. (2014). Is environmental efficiency trade inducing or trade hindering? Energy Economics. 44.
Sayek, Selin & Taskin, Fatma. (2014). Financial crises: Lessons from history for today. Economic Policy. 29.
Bayraktar Sağlam, Bahar & Sayek, Selin. (2011). MNEs and wages: The role of productivity spillovers and imperfect labor markets. Economic Modelling. 28: 6, Sayfala 2736-2742.
Alfaro, Laura & Chanda, Areendam & Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem & Sayek, Selin. (2010). Does foreign direct investment promote growth? Exploring the role of financial markets on linkages. Journal of Development Economics. 91: 2, 2010, Sayfalar 242-256.
Sayek, Selin. (2009). Foreign Direct Investment and Inflation. Southern Economic Journal. Sayı 76, Sayfalar:419-443.
Alfaro, Laura & Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem & Sayek, Selin. (2009). FDI, Productivity and Financial Development. The World Economy. Sayı 32: 1, Sayfalar 111-135.
Deichmann, Joel I. & Eshghi, Abdolreza & Haughton, Dominique & Masnghetti, Michele & Sayek, Selin & Topi, Heikki. (2006). Exploring Break-points and Interaction Effects Among Predictors of the International Digital Divide. Journal of Global Information Technology Management. Sayı 9: 4, Sayfalar 47-71.
Sayek, Selin & Sener, Fuat. (2006). Outsourcing and Wage Inequality in a Dynamic Product Cycle Model. Review of Development Economics. Sayı 10:1, Sayfalar 1-19.
Alfaro, Laura & Chanda, Areendam & Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem & Sayek, Selin. (2004). FDI and economic growth: the role of local financial markets. Journal of International Economics. Sayı 64:1, Sayfalar 89-112.
Haughton D. & Deichmann J. & Eshghi A. & Sayek S. & Teebagy N. & Topi H. (2003). A Review of Software Packages for Data Mining. The American Statistician, American Statistical Association. Sayı 57, Kasım, Sayfalar 290-309.
Deichmann, J., Eshghi, A., Haughton, D., Sayek, S., & Teebagy, N. (2003). Geography Matters: Kohonen Classification of Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Transition Economies. Journal of Business Strategies. Sayı 20: 1.
Deichmann, Joel & Karidis, Socrates & Sayek, Selin. (2003). Foreign Direct investment in Turkey: regional determinants. Applied Economics. Sayı 35:16, Sayfalar 1767 – 1778.
Sayek, Selin & Selover, David D. (2002). International Interdependence and Business Cycle Transmission between Turkey and the European Union. Southern Economic Journal. Sayı 69:2, Sayfalar 206-238.
Deichmann, J., Eshghi, A., Haughton, D., Sayek, S., & Teebagy, N. (2002). Application of multiple adaptive regression splines (MARS) in direct response modeling. Journal of Interactive Marketing. Sayı 16:4, Sayfalar 15–27.
Diğer Yayınlar
Sayek-Böke, Selin. (3 September, 2021). Turkey and the Istanbul convention—fighting to keep it alive. Social Europe.
Sayek-Böke, Selin. (11 March, 2021). Artificial Intelligence and Health Care in Light of COVID-19: Ensuring a human-rights perspective. OECD Forum Network.
Bayraktar-Sağlam, Bahar & Sayek, Selin. (2021). Wage Inequality, Unemployment And Linkages: Do The Multinational Enterprises Ride To The Rescue? Global & Local Economic Review. Sayı 25: 1, Sayfalar 33-72.
Sayek-Böke, Selin. (5 June, 2020). Artificial intelligence, healthcare and the pandemic. Social Europe.
Sayek-Böke, Selin. (14 April, 2020). Building resistance: a rights-based, holistic approach against Covid-19. Social Europe.
Bayraktar-Sağlam, Bahar & Sayek, Selin. (2017). Labor Costs and Foreign Direct Investment: A Panel VAR Approach. Sayı 5:4, Sayfalar 36.
Sayek, Selin. (October, 2016). Escaping Mediocrity: Turkey at an Economic & Political Juncture. Turkish Policy Quarterly.
Köymen Özer, Seda & Sayek, Selin. (2015). The Export Performance of Turkey (1996-2013). İktisat, İşletme ve Finans. Sayı 30:350, Sayfalar 93-120.
Taskin, Fatma & Sayek, Selin. (5 Temmuz, 2014). Lessons from history for the European Financial Crisis. VoxEU.
Gürkaynak, Refet, and Selin Sayek-Böke. (2013). AKP döneminde Türkiye ekonomisi (Turkish Economy During AKP). Birikim Dergisi. Sayı 296, Sayfalar 64-69.
Bayraktar-Sağlam, Bahar & Sayek, Selin. (2010). Labor market effects of knowledge spillovers. METU Studies in Development. Sayı 37 (Aralık), Sayfalar 195-219.
Aykut, Dilek, and Sayek, Selin. (2007). Doğrudan yabancı yatırımların sektörel kompozisyonunun ekonomik büyümeye etkisi (Growth effects of the sectoral composition of FDI). Uluslararası Ekonomi ve Dış Ticaret Politikaları Dergisi. Sayı 2:3, Sayfalar 33-64.
Sayek, Selin. (2007). FDI in Turkey: The investment climate and EU effects. The Journal of International Trade and Diplomacy. Güz, Sayı 1, Sayfalar 105-138.
Sayek, Selin. (2006). İktisadi merkez-çevre paradigması: Sonlandı mı, süregeliyor mu? (The economic paradigm of center-periphery: Ending or ongoing?) Toplum ve Bilim, Sayı 105, Sayfalar 178-200.
Deichmann, Joel I. & Eshghi, Abdolreza & Haughton, Dominique & Sayek, Selin & Teebagy, Nicholas. (2006). Understanding Eurasian Convergence: Application Of Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. Sayı 5: 1.